Monday, November 22, 2010


what is dream? i mean the dream which you see during sleeping. why do we dream? what for? it is often said that dream is the process of brain's organizing our memories. i did believe this vulgar belief, but not now cuz i think that there must be some other meanings for dream. in my case, the dream i see during the nap is more realistic than i see at night. today, my dream was nightmare which can happen in real life(i believe this life is real by the way). i don't wanna write about it but at least i can say it warned me in a way. is this dream created from my experiences or thoughts? the situation was created from my experience for sure, but the thing happened in the dream was totally not, i felt like somebody else is warning me by showing it. should i take it seriously or just ignore it? i dunno but i cannot ignore it for some reason.
why do we call 'dream' for two different things;'dream' which we see during sleeping and 'dream' which means future desire? are there any connections between these two? maybe both are unrealistic? but dream is not always unrealistic. i guess there is some origins and certain reasons why both are called dream. i need to think about it and lead an some answers.
how we think about dream must be different among cultures because the mechanism of dream is not known yet and we don't have specific answer to the question;what is the dream? we are free in that there's no answer yet, for example we can think it either religiously or scientifically.
it is so funny if this is in a dream, that is to say i'm thinking about dream in my dream!
i'm writing down my thoughts so that i can make sure that this is not a dream as long as i believe.

prophetic dream
lucid dream